Green Deal is here to Stay

Recent reports have announced that the Green Deal is now up and running with the release of the first statistics on the domestic sector.

Included is a summary of figures of the number of Green Deal Assessments, the supply chain and information on ECO brokerage.

Important information includes:

  • 1,803 Green Deal assessments lodged in February
  • 77 Green Deal assessor organisations
  • £26.9 million worth of contracts went through the ECO brokerage system

These figures show the promise of a new market gaining in popularity. The increase in lodged assessments in the month of February was up considerably from January’s figure of 74. This increase shows the rapid gain in popularity of the Green Deal and provides insight into what’s to come in terms of the Green Deal’s growth.

It has also been reported that people in older houses and those on low incomes could qualify for extra financial help from the Energy Company Obligation to help.

Businesses are getting on board at a rapid rate and this highlights confidence in the Green Deal.

It seems then that the Green Deal is one to watch with interest and one which Electrician’s should take careful note of the progress.

Written by Sara Thomson