NAPIT’s ElectricSafe Register Gains Considerable Promotion

NAPIT’s ElectricSafe Register has reached over half a million people throughout the UK according to their recent figures.

Electrical Safety

Launched in November last year, NAPIT’s aim was to provide a service which would encourage homeowners, tenants and landlords to hire registered electricians and to highlight the importance of ensuring that contractors are competent.

John Andrews, CEO of NAPIT, recently toured the UK visiting local radio stations to promote the register and raise awareness of the importance of hiring a competent person. Reaching over 29 radio stations, and an estimated 580,000 people hearing about the importance of hiring reputable electricians, ElectricSafe and those registered on it can only benefit from this  promotion.

Alongside the radio station tour, news of the register has also gained air time on ‘Let Your Property,’ a programme aimed at landlords. On the show, Technical Director, Frank Bertie, was interviewed by TV personality, Tommy Walsh. They discussed the importance of electrical safety and how the new ElectricSafe Register was an important step forward in helping consumers ensure electrical work in their homes is carried out safely.

The Government licensed, non-profit organisation, TrustMark, has also announced support for the register and Liz Male, TrustMark Chairman, has said; “The ElectricSafe register is another development in the industry that will provide guidance and support to homeowners wanting to hire professional, registered electricians.”

This considerable media coverage highlights the promising start the register has gained and suggests a step in the right direction towards consumer awareness of electrical safety.

Written by Sara Thomson