Why Train?

Undertaking workforce development does not suggest a weak or failing business, in fact it demonstrates a proactive and forward thinking business. Not only can staff benefit from new skills and knowledge ranging from basic to advanced technical concepts, training is also found to boost morale, efficiency and overall productivity.
A survey, conducted on behalf of the Learning and Skills council (LSC), shows that over half the country’s workforce (57%) are worried about their job prospects as a result of the current economic situation.
However the survey also shows the same workforce remains confident that they would be able to keep their jobs and that they would be concentrating on training to improve their careers, prospects and job security.
The survey shows that the recent period, which has seen some retail and industrial giants experience major crisis, has not yet had the demoralising effect on the nation’s workforce many experts expected.
In fact, while the survey identifies the current economic problems to be the number one cause of insecurity in the workplace, it also demonstrates that the current situation is inspiring many people to rethink their career paths in a positive way.
Over three quarters of respondents to the survey (77%) recognised the need for improvement in their skill levels and indicated a willingness to seek advice about improving their skill base. Two thirds of workers actually stated they felt learning a new skill would help make them feel happier and more secure in their jobs.
Graham Wilson M.I.E.T.
PASS Training Centre General Manager